E-Commerce Websites


eCommerce Web Designing Company: Constructing Websites a.k.a Your Online Superstore

The history of buying and selling goods goes down as deep as thousands of years. From barter system to buying with money, it has changed its form time and again. And with the advent of the twenty-first century, a new way of doing business has made its way all the way from the electronic devices to our everyday life. It’s electronic commerce, popularly known as e-commerce. We're proud to be one of the top eCommerce design company in India.

But what’s also worth knowing is the way it’s impacting the world. The numbers are growing at the rate of knots. The global e-commerce is growing at 23% and has reached $2.3 trillion. That’s humongous. According to eMarketer’s estimates, e-commerce sales accounted for one-tenth of total retail sales worldwide in 2017. That sounds even more colossal.

Simply put, e-commerce is the present and the future of doing business. And there are some concrete reasons behind saying so. First, it cuts the investment significantly by eliminating the need of conventional “brick and mortar” shops. With e-commerce, you can do your business from the convenience of your home. Second, it keeps your business running 24x7. That means you’re selling even while you’re sleeping.

Not just that, it doesn’t take long to kick start your e-commerce venture. Just decide what products or services you want to sell, set up your e-commerce website and you’re ready to go.

That said, you have to keep this in mind that your e-commerce website is your business’ home. And it needs not just to be good it has to be grand. Captivating. You need to provide your buyers with an experience so pleasant that they come back to buy from you again and again. Remember, it’s the first impression where you need to score, as it might just be the last.

Sounds daunting? Well, don’t worry. Skkepper has got you covered.

As a company providing eCommerce website development services, be it “Single Page Checkouts” for high conversions or the “Secured Shopping Basket,” our experienced team of extraordinary individuals takes care of all your needs.

And if you’re a startup, please note that we not just offer you award winning platforms, but also provide you with real time consultancy.

Here is How our eCommerce Website Development Services will Help to Run Your E-commerce Business Like a Pro

Leverage these Sure-shot eCommerce Website Design Formulas to Propel Your eCommerce Venture into the Orbit

With the middle-class using the Internet on a daily basis, the e-commerce seems like a super-lucrative enterprise. Like the past many years, e-commerce business is expected to retain its rapid growth and the upward trajectory in 2018.

As an entrepreneur, it’s an opportunity you want to leverage to the maximum. And regardless of your old or new existence in this trade, now is the time to get your foot in the door. And make the most of it.

However, the opportunities can only be realized if they are met with proper planning and great enthusiasm. If you have read this piece until this point, it’s quite obvious that you are brimming with enthusiasm. And for planning, here are five sure-fire tips that will help you make your e-commerce venture touch the vertical limits:

Hurry spoils the curry:

Rushing the launch of your e-commerce website without ample preparation might ruin your game. Once and for all. The launch of your website is the only opportunity that you will get to make a name for yourself. You, therefore, must do all the required groundwork – seo, content marketing, paid marketing, social media marketing and so on – before kick starting your website.

Be customer centric:

It’s true that in e-commerce business your customers can’t touch, feel or see the product before placing the order. And it’s a big shortcoming. But you can compensate them for this by giving a lower pricing, free shipping, feather-light checkout process and super-simple shopping carts.

Keep testing until it shines like a diamond:

You must invest heavily in testing and analytics before, during and after the launch of your e-commerce website. You must think like a customer and analyze what’s working and what’s not. And then, put your entrepreneurial hat on and think what’s the best possible way to fix a problem. Regular a/b testing your main pages would give you excellent result for sure.

Be mobile ready for eCommerce:

The way mobile devices (tablets and mobile phones) are overpowering their bigger counterparts in sales numbers, it’s no secret that you will have to build your website keeping mobile usages in view. If you aren’t mobile friendly, you might find yourself redundant in the next three to five years. Plus, you have got to give your customers the freedom to buy while on the move.

Collect information & keep evolving:

One of the major ingredients of your e-commerce success is collecting information regarding your customer preferences. This helps you not just serve them better, but this also keeps you abreast with the contemporary trends in your niche business area. Finally, technology, trends and customer tastes change, and you have to keep pace with all of these. So, be ready to change; be ready to evolve.